Paul Hirsch, ACE press
COUP 53 | Paul Hirsch in Conversation with Walter Murch
February 17, 2021

by COUP 53


Oscar-winning editor PAUL HIRSCH

(Star Wars, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Mission: Impossible)

in a live conversation with 

Oscar-winning  editor WALTER MURCH 

(Apocalypse Now, The Conversation, The English Patient)

Between them, these master filmmakers have worked on some of the greatest movies of all time, and literally "written the books" on editing in Hollywood. In this special live event, Paul Hirsch  interviews Walter Murch about the 4-year epic journey editing his latest film COUP 53


Academy member can watch the film at

Academy Screening Room

Others can find a virtual theater at



Email your questions in advance or live during the Q&A to

[email protected]

Find out more about the film here.

Register for the event here.